The Giant Bamboo-Burguret hike

hikers along the burguret route to mount kenya summit. hike organized by hikers arena
January 30, 2024 2 Comments 2 tags

The Giant Bamboo hike is a gentle walk in the lowlands of Mount Kenya through the Burguret Route. Where humans do not rough up forests, forests remain natural, and the

The 12 Apostles Ultra Upsweep

November 21, 2023 0 Comments 3 tags

The 12 Apostles Ultra Upsweep is an immersive hike into the vast wilderness in the southern Aberdare Ranges. If you are familiar with Elephant Hill Hike, the 12 Apostles follow

Mount Kilimanjaro Machame Ascent

August 8, 2023 0 Comments 2 tags

Mount Kilimanjaro Machame Ascent is the trek to the top of Africa and a culmination of weeks of preparation and a series of preparatory hikes that have built your stamina,

Mt. Ololokwe Hike & Camping

Mount Ololokwe
April 4, 2023 5 Comments 2 tags

Mt. Ololokwe Hike & Camping brings yet another blend of your mountain and elevation experience. The time for camping in the northern part of Kenya is now. Yes, we set

Kijabe Hike (Pro)

March 15, 2023 0 Comments 2 tags

Kijabe Hike (pro) is a perfect place to set your first steps on your journey to the mountains. Kijabe Hike is a friendly trail that has several attractions that deviate

Nyanduma Day Hike – Aberdares

The picture is a dam and the surrounding forest
March 15, 2023 0 Comments 3 tags

Nyanduma day hike is a trail that blends a waterfall experience and the usual effort you apply when doing a day dash. Located in southern Aberdares, the Nyanduma day hike

Rurimeria Upsweep

a hker sitting on a rock taking landscape views along the rurimeria hiking trail
March 15, 2023 0 Comments 3 tags

Rurimeria Day Hike is located at Geta Shopping Center, Nyandarua County, where the trail begins with a gentle dash before hitting a notoriously steep ascent to the first false summit.

Table Mountain Hike – Aberdares

March 15, 2023 0 Comments 3 tags

A Short Story About Table Mountain Hike Table Mountain Hike in Aberdares is an exciting outdoor adventure that offers stunning views and a challenging trek through beautiful landscapes. This hike

Mt. Kipipiri Hike

March 14, 2023 0 Comments 3 tags

Mt Kipipiri Hike is located in Nyandarua County, Kenya, and is part of the Aberdare ranges ecosystem. The mountain has an elevation of 3360 meters above sea level and is

Mount Kinangop Day Trek

March 14, 2023 0 Comments 3 tags

Mount Kinangop day trek is your true test for resilience on your journey to big mountains. Standing at 3906m ASL, Mount Kinangop is a stunning peak located in the Aberdare