
Mount Kenya Chogoria – Sirimon Traverse


Nov 29 2023 - Dec 02 2023


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Mount Kenya Chogoria – Sirimon Traverse

Mount Kenya Chogoria – Sirimon traverse is an ultimate experience across different gates and in Mount Kenya and a symbolic closure, a celebration of achievements, and a testament to your determination and trials. As you ascend to the Lenana peak, leaving the ordinary world behind, you’ll be met with panoramic vistas, lakes, flora, and fauna that take your breath away and challenge your limits. Traverse rugged landscapes, navigate through mountain passes, and conquer the unknown as you finish your acclimation journey that will redefine your perception of the possible. This will be a journey of personal growth and triumph, and reflect on the program experiences. As you reach the summit, you will close this chapter of the program and open the door to new horizons, ready to face whatever mountains and life have to offer with a newfound resilience.

The hike begins at Mount Kenya Chogoria Gate and ends at Sirimon Park Gate. The maximum hiking elevation gain will be 2035m.

Are you ready to Join in the final steps of this remarkable program and create memories that will last a lifetime? Join us for the High Altitude Traverse Hike and experience the thrill of achievement, the beauty of nature, and the power of closing one chapter to begin another. Your adventure awaits!

Day 1

  • Leave Nairobi at 8:00 a.m
  • Have lunch at Chogoria Gate.
  • Start the hike to Lake Ellis.
  • Relax, and have supper.
  • Camp for the night.
  • There will be an elevation gain of 500m when hiking on this day.

Day 2

  • Breakfast with a beautiful Lake Ellis’s vista.
  • Pack water and lunch.
  • Start the day’s ascent to Mintos Hut (at 4300m).
  • Explore along the trail.
  • Arrive, have a snack, and relax.
  • Take dinner and sleep for an early rise at 2:00 a.m. for the summit push.
  • There will be an elevation gain of 850m on this day.

Day 3

  • Light breakfast at 2:00 a.m.
  • Start the trek at 2:30 a.m.
  • Slow push to the summit.
  • Twenty minutes breathtaking moment at the summit.
  • Start the descent to Shiptons Camp (at 4200m).
  • Take breakfast.
  • Continue the descent to Old Moses camp (at 3300m).
  • This day will attract an elevation gain of 685m followed by an elevation loss of 1685m.

Day 4

  • Take breakfast.
  • Trek to Sirimon Gate.
  • Wrap-up as we clear with the team handover belongings.
  • Leave for Nairobi.

What to Wear and Carry During Mount Kenya Chogoria – Sirimon Traverse

Each event in the acclimation calendar details the right attire to wear. We have a gear checklist here that provides the right gear when climbing Mount Kenya/Kilimanjaro.


  • Citizens/residents- Kes.40000
  • Non-residents- USD680


  • Citizen: A native East African country (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo) with valid identification documents or passport.
  • Resident: A person of another nationality residing in Kenya and has valid documentation from the Kenyan government.
  • Non-resident: a person of another nationality visiting or living in Kenya without a valid Resident ID.

Note: The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) recognizes the three categories using Identity Cards (IDs) and identification documents issued by a government. Ensure you identify yourself with the document you already hold.

What is Included During Mount Kenya Chogoria – Sirimon Traverse

  • Transport to the trail and back.
  • Park entry charges for citizens and residents.
  • 3-square meal on the mountain.
  • Accommodation in tents and sleeping mattresses.
  • Professional and friendly support team when hiking.
  • On-demand support away from hiking trails.
  • Guaranteed trek through the Traverse.

Note: Our package excludes hiking gear, tips, personal insurance, and anything else not mentioned above.

Booking Mount Kenya Chogoria – Sirimon Traverse

Book by paying at least Kes.10,000 to M-Pesa Buy Goods Till number 9754473 (Hikers Arena Limited 1) and clear the balance on Saturday, November 25, 2023.


Readiness Checklist

✅Wear your boot, especially if you have not for a while, and ascertain that it is still comfortable.
✅Take no vigorous or no exercises later than 2 days before the hike to reserve energy to carry you up the ascent.
✅Hydrate beyond often, starting 3 days until the end of the hike.
✅Cut your toenails short for comfort in socks and the boot. When descending, you create a stronger grip, whose effect lasts on the toes. Doing this will make your experience more comfortable and memorable.
✅Ensure you stock your supplies the day before the hike so we stop only for emergencies.
✅Empty your bowels before leaving in the morning.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

If, for any reason, you decide to cancel the ticket, the following applies;

  • At least two weeks before the event: 100% refund.
  • At least one week to the event: 50% refund.
  • Less than a week to the event: No refund.
  • No shows: No refund.

Inquiries and Updates

For inquiries and updates, click here. We also recommend you join the Hikers Arena hiking community WhatsApp group to keep up to date with our activities and upcoming events.


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