
Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Ascent


Aug 01 - 07 2024


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Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Ascent

Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Ascent is a trek up the roof of Africa through the Marangu route. We know that you have been eyeing this mountain and are ready to take a journey that gives the satisfaction of not only a conquest but also elevates your spirit.

Also known as the Coca-Cola route, the Marangu Route offers the friendliest trek up the mountain, with comfortable nights in the huts situated along the camps up the route. It is the tourists’ preference since it is referred to as the easiest route. It is also easy on the track since the trail is the same on your way up and down. We will travel to Tanzania a day before and spend the night at a hotel to have enough time to rest before we start the trek. This also allows us to confirm we have all we need and organize for any missing items before starting the hike the next day.

The hike starts at Marangu Gate and proceeds through the Mandara, Horombo, and Kibo huts. Finally, it goes to Uhuru Peak before going down the same points. Prepare your spirit, and let’s elevate it together on the mountain. Your adventure awaits!

The following hikes can help you stay prepared;

Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Ascent Stats

Approximate Distance: 68km

Hiking Time: 5 days

Maximum Elevation: 5895m

Difficulty: You need to be a fit hiker with previous hiking experience at high altitudes.


Departure day
      • Leave Nairobi at 8:00 a.m.
      • Have packed lunch for the day.
      • Proceed to Moshi Town and Spend the night there.
      • Assess the hiking gear and get assistance if anything needs to be hired.
      • Relax, and have dinner.
hike Day 1

On this day, the hike will be mainly under a jungle of rainforests. You might come across black and white colobus monkeys. The huts are like wooden dormitories to serve your night. We will;

      • Take breakfast at the hotel.
      • Take about an hour drive to Marangu Gate (1830m).
      • Do registrations and briefing.
      • Start the day’s ascent to Mandara Hut (2740m).
      • You will have packed lunch or lunch will be served along the way.
      • Take dinner and rest in preparation for next day.
      • There will be an elevation gain of 910m on this day.
      • The hiking distance is approximately 8km.
hike Day 2

On this day, the hike will be through a montane forest and then touch the moorland zone. Open vegetation such as giant lobelia can be spotted during this trek. The campsite has more similarity with the first campsite. We will;

      • Rise up and take breakfast.
      • Start the trek to Horombo Hut (3690m) at 7:30 a.m.
      • You will have packed lunch or lunch will be served along the way.
      • This day will attract an elevation gain of 950m.
      • The hiking distance is approximately 11km.
hike Day 3

On this day, the hike will be through a heather region and then touch the alpine desert. We will;

      • Rise up and take breakfast.
      • Start the trek to Kibo Hut (4695m) at 8.00 a.m.
      • You will have packed lunch or lunch will be served along the way.
      • Take early dinner and hydrate more in preparation for the early rise to the summit.
      • This day will have an elevation gain of 1005m.
      • The hiking distance is approximately 9km.
hike Day 4

On this day, the hike will be more tough as we hit the high altitudes. it will involve the trek along the alpine desert, across the Rebmann & Ratzel glaciers to Stella Point. this must be a slow trek as each one observes their wellness with the support of our guides to hit the about an hour or 1.5 hour final trek to Uhuru Peak. We will;

      • Wake up to light breakfast at 12.00 a.m.
      • Start a 6km trek to Uhuru Peak (5895m).
      • Savor the summit moment.
      • Start a 15km descent to Horombo Hut (3690m).
      • Pass by Kibo Hut for brunch.
      • Proceed to Horombo Hut where we will spend the night.
      • This day will attract an elevation gain of 1200m and a loss of 2205m.
      • The hiking distance is approximately 21km.
hike Day 5

On this day, we will be exiting the mountain, happy to have done our best. We will;

      • Rise up and take breakfast.
      • Start the trek to Marangu Gate (1830m) at 8.00 a.m.
      • You will have packed lunch or lunch will be served along the way.
      • This day will have an elevation loss of 1860m.
      • The hiking distance is approximately 19km
      • Have the items handover moment and issue certificates.
      • Pick a vehicle to Moshi for refreshments and sleep in the hotel awaiting departure the next day.

What to Wear During Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Ascent

We have a gear guide here that provides the appropriate gear. Knowing that the weather keeps changing on the mountains is also vital. Therefore, it is about adding and removing layers as you move. After booking, we will start step by step checking of the gear you have and what you are missing to enhance your preparedness.

See more details on how to prepare for this hike and the steps to take after the hike to ease the after-hike effects here.

Ticket & Booking Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Ascent

The Ticket is KES 77,000. Reserve a slot by paying a booking fee of KES.15,000 using MPesa by August 5, 2024 and clear the balance 6 days before departure. Hikers Arena ticket cancellation and refund policy applies.

    • Paybill No: 522533
    • Account No: 7848929

See the ticket inclusions & definitions here.

Inquiries and Updates

For inquiries and updates, click here. We also recommend you join the Hikers Arena Community Whatsapp group (Click here to join) to keep up to date with our activities and upcoming events.

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